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NotlmplementedException in Xamarin.Forms (PCL) project

I'm programming in Xamarin.Forms (PCL), and I have seen many post but none one works for me. I'm using the plugin PhoneCall.Forms.Plugin I made a method to call with a button that contains the next code

    var PhoneCallTask = CrossMessaging.Current.PhoneDialer;
    if (PhoneCallTask.CanMakePhoneCall)
        PhoneCallTask.MakePhoneCall("+528331607211", "Laura");
        DisplayAlert("Llamada", "No se puede hacer llamada", "Ok");

It throws an error:

System.NotlmplementedException: This functionality is not implemented in the portable version of this assembly. You should reference the NuGet package from your main application project in order to reference the platform-specific implementation.


Have you tried the Messaging plugin? Like said by Jason here .


Device.OpenUri(new Uri("tel:528331607211"));

If you are using this plugin (I'm not sure if this is the specific one you're using or not), then you need to make the phone call using a Dependency service (This is explained in the plugin readme).

Make a method in your PCL project to call the dependancy service:

private void QCall(string number)
    var notificator = DependencyService.Get<IPhoneCall>();
    notificator.MakeQuickCall (number);

In each platform specific project, initialize the plugin. For Android, this will be done in the OnCreate method of your MainActivity , and for iOS in AppDelegate in the FinishedLaunching method. Add the following line to each after the initialization of Xamarin.Forms:


Then when you call QCall() in your PCL project it will run the code necessary for the specific platform the user is on.

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