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Persist time with hibernate and java

(Spring app - MVC) I defined a table with the column:


In the entity class I have:

@Getter @Setter
private java.sql.Time time;

In my DTO class, I have:

@Getter @Setter
private java.sql.Time time;

When I send "time": "12:10" from postman I get: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Instantiation of [simple type, class java.sql.Time] value failed: null (through reference chain: (<points to a field (of java.sql.Time) in my aforementioned DTO class>))

When I have TIMESTAMP in MySQL, java LocalTime in both dto and entity, then it works but it persists both time and date. I would like to have time only.

I walked through different previous topics fe Joda-Time-Hibernate so I used LocalTime (in both dto and entity) with annotation @Type(type="org.joda.time.contrib.hibernate.PersistentLocalTimeAsTime") but it didn't work.

Could someone help me, what are the right types (time only) for dto, entity, table's column, so jackson can serialize, hibernate understand and persist.

As for serialization, you have to add this to your application.properties

spring.jackson.serialization.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS = false

this way you will allow simple date form mapping (Java8 requirement)

What I am using to store LocatDate as birthday



In entity class

private LocalDate birthday;

No additional configuration required. What do I get in the database:


and the birthday is of type date


To have date and time I use Instant

public abstract class TimestampedEntity extends AbstractEntity {

    @Column(updatable = false)
    @Setter(value = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
    private Instant createdAt;

    @Setter(value = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
    private Instant modifiedAt;

    private void beforeCreation() {

    private void beforeUpdate() {


and this persists as Timestamp in database.

PS. I am using Spring+JPA+Hibernate+MySQL

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