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How to change property names when serializing to Json in asp.Net

I have an MVC Web API Controller that exposes a method:

    public JsonResult<CustomClass> Details(RequestClass request)
        var encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1");
        var settings = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings();
        return Json(_InputService.CustomClassGet(request.Id), settings, encoding);

CustomClass is a really complex class wich contains several levels of objects of different classes. Objects from these classes are somehow built in another part of the code using a mapper that relies on Newtonsoft Json.

I just got a request to modify my code to change some of CustomClass property names (along the whole tree). My first approach was to create another set of classes, so I could have one for receiving data and other for exposing data with a converter in the middle but there are so many classes in the structure and they are so complex that it would consume a lot of effort. Also, during the process of converting from input to output classes, it would require twice the memory to hold 2 copies of the same exact data.

My second approach was using JsonProperty(PropertyName ="X") to change the resulting json BUT, as the input also relies in Newtonsoft Json, I completely broke the input process.

My next approach was to create a custom serializer and user [JsonConverter(typeof(CustomCoverter))] attribute BUT it changes the way CustomClass is serialized everywhere and I can't change the way the rest of the API responds, just some specific methods.

So, the question is... does anyone imagine a way to change the way my CustomClass is serialized just in certain methods ?

This is the final solution:

1) Created a custom Attribute and decorated the properties that I needed its name changed in the serialized Json:

class MyCustomJsonPropertyAttribute : Attribute
    public string PropertyName { get; protected set; }

    public MyCustomJsonPropertyAttribute(string propertyName)
        PropertyName = propertyName;

2) Decordated the properties accordingly

class MyCustomClass
    public string OriginalNameProperty { get; set; }

3) Implemented a Custom Resolver using reflection to remap the property name for those properties decorated with MyCustomJsonPropertyAttribute

class MyCustomResolver : DefaultContractResolver
    public MyCustomResolver()

    protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
        JsonProperty prop = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);

        var attr = member.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(MyCustomJsonPropertyAttribute));
        if (attr!=null)
            string jsonName = ((MyCustomJsonPropertyAttribute)attr).PropertyName;
            prop.PropertyName = jsonName;
        return prop;


4) Implemented the method in the controller like this:

    public JsonResult<MyCustomClass> Details(RequestClass request)
        var encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1");
        var settings = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings()
            ContractResolver = new MyCustomResolver()
        return Json(_InputService.CustomClassGet(request.Id), settings, encoding);

Thanks a lot to dbc for pointing me the way.

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