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logstash grok pattern to leave tags empty

I am trying to leave one of the pattern as blank when the corresponding tag is not found. But somehow, next match is getting substituted.

I have a logline as below

[2017-10-19 09:41:07,204: INFO/Worker-5] <test id = '123:4567', name = 'example_testcase'><TID:0b46030ee6f14055b41b796a4eebfef2><RID:01234567>POST some url to post

I tried this below grok pattern matching


This works good as along as message_headers is found, if it is not found, then message headers is getting substituted with TID. ex:

[2017-10-19 09:41:07,204: INFO/Worker-5] <TID:0b46030ee6f14055b41b796a4eebfef2><RID:01234567>POST some url to post

then the grok pattern, should leave message_headers as blank. instead TID is sitting in message_headers. Can anyone help how to achieve this functionality.

I removed optional expression "?" after tid and it works. Thanks

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