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How to fetch data by a conditional query(left join/right join/inner join/ multi select, … or) from multi table

I have a problem with conditional query and can't solve that and I need your help. I use mysql with innodb and I have some tables like bellow.

table1: ---------------------- uers_type_1 ----------------------

user_id int(11) primary auto_increment
firstname varchar(15)
lastname varchar(20)

table 2: ---------------------- uers_type_2 ----------------------

user_id int(11) primary auto_increment
firstname varchar(15)
lastname varchar(20)

table 3: ---------------------- user_request ----------------------

request_id int(11) primary auto_increment
user_type enum("ut1","ut2")
user_id int(11)
request text

Now I need a query to fetch something like this: user request data with user first name and last name from users type tables


- firstName - lastName - request_id - request -
- Robert    - De Niro  - 10         - some request.
- Will      - Smith    - 93         - some request.

My query something like this but it's not work

SELECT r.request_id , r.request, (
  concat('select u.first_name AS firstName, u.lastname AS lastName from ', 
           (SELECT CASE r.user_type WHEN 'ut1' 
           THEN 'uers_type_1' WHEN 'ut2' THEN 'uers_type_2' END), 
           ' u WHERE u.user_id = ', r.user_id, ''
FROM `user_request` r

I got a solution for your problem,

select user_request.r_id , user_request.request,
(select Case user_request.user_type when 'u1' then user_type_1.fistname else user_type_2.firstname end ) as name
from user_request 
left JOIN user_type_1 on user_request.user_id = user_type_1.id and user_request.user_type = 'u1' 
left JOIN user_type_2 on user_request.user_id = user_type_2.id and user_request.user_type = 'u2' 

the point is that : try to point both tables in the query using left join and then in your select options choose where it should be used for fetching the data.

(select Case user_request.user_type when 'u1' then user_type_1.firstname else user_type_2.firstname end ) as name,
(select Case user_request.user_type when 'u1' then user_type_1.lastname else user_type_2.lastname end ) as family

hope that help you.

Having 2 user tables is going to perplex and frustrate you. While I don't know why you have them if it is possible consider moving them into to a single table. In any case, you can produce a single view of the user information by using a UNION ALL query such as this:

        'ut1' AS user_type
      , user_id
      , firstname
      , lastname
  FROM user_type_1
        'ut2' AS user_type
      , user_id
      , firstname
      , lastname
  FROM user_type_2

That query might literally be used to create a view but that it is optional. That UNION ALL approach can be used as a derived table subquery in a query like the following. Notice how this simplifies access to the name columns.

      , user_request.request
      , u.firstname                ## simple to access
      , u.lastname                 ## simple to access
  FROM user_request AS ur
              'ut1' AS user_type
            , user_id
            , firstname
            , lastname
        FROM user_type_1
        UNION ALL
              'ut2' AS user_type
            , user_id
            , firstname
            , lastname
        FROM user_type_2
  ) AS u ON ur.user_type = u.user_type
        AND ur.user_id = u.user_id

Another alternative is to use 2 left joins, one for each user table and include the user_type into each join as a condition of the join. Note here the names can be NULL due the way the left joins will work, so you can overcome that by seing COALESCE() or IFNULL()

      , ur.request
      , COALESCE(ut1.fistname,ut2.firstname) firstname
      , COALESCE(ut1.lastname,ut2.lastname) lastname
  FROM user_request as ur
  LEFT JOIN user_type_1 as ut1 ON ur.user_id = ut1.id
        AND ur.user_type = 'ut1'
  LEFT JOIN user_type_2 as ut2 ON ur.user_id = ut2.id
        AND ur.user_type = 'ut2'

If you should choose to create a view, eg

        'ut1' AS user_type
      , user_id
      , firstname
      , lastname
  FROM user_type_1
        'ut2' AS user_type
      , user_id
      , firstname
      , lastname
  FROM user_type_2

Then subsequent queries become easier to assemble eg

      , user_request.request
      , u.firstname                ## simple to access
      , u.lastname                 ## simple to access
  FROM user_request AS ur
  INNER JOIN users_all_v AS u ON ur.user_type = u.user_type
        AND ur.user_id = u.user_id

AND even if you do one day combine those 2 user tables into 1, you can just adjust that view and existing queries will not be broken.

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