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How to get current cursor as Texture2D Unity C#

I have a problem, I want to get the current cursor, and get it as a texture2D in Unity.

When I say current cursor, I mean the current cursor the user has got. For example, if the user changes his cursor to a cat, I want to have the same cat cursor in Unity. That is the reason why I don't just search online for the default cursor.

I have tried to search in google for this, but all I got is this , it was posted in 2009, and the code doesn't work(it says "Handle doesn't represent a ICON" if you were wondering).

Well the steps to follow that comes to my mind are:

  1. Check what cursor is active in Windows
  2. Read that image as a texture in Unity
  3. Apply the texture to the cursor

The problem I see is this will change from OS to OS, so it will be hard for you to make it compatible with all Operative System.

I wasnt able to read the current active cursor, so my answer is uncomplete. Maybe someone will be able to complete what is missing:

//This is the part I am not sure how to complete
//String currentCursor = 

//Here is where Windows store the cursors, you need to point to the one the 
//user is using
String path = "C:\Windows\Cursors"+currentCursor;

//Here you load that image as a texture
Texture2D cursorTexture = new Texture2D(16, 16);

public CursorMode cursorMode = CursorMode.Auto;
public Vector2 hotSpot = Vector2.zero;

//You apply the texture to the cursor in Unity
void Start()
    Cursor.SetCursor(cursorTexture, hotSpot, cursorMode);

Maybe you can find here how to do the first step using something similar to this, however I don´t know it

Any solution with win32 API would be platform dependend and don't work on another platforms. So you can add your own custom cursor manager.

//container for cursor data
public struct CustomCursor
    public Texture2D Texture;
    public Vector2 HotSpot;
    public CursorMode Mode;

//container for all cursor you used in you project
public class CursorsHolder
    private CustomCursor defaultCursor;
    private CustomCursor cursorA;
    private CustomCursor cursorB;
    private CustomCursor cursorC;

    public CustomCursor DefaultCursor { get { return defaultCursor; } }
    public CustomCursor CursorA { get { return cursorA; } }
    public CustomCursor CursorB { get { return cursorB; } }
    public CustomCursor CursorC { get { return cursorC; } }

    public void InitializeDefault(CustomCursor defaultCursor)
        this.defaultCursor = defaultCursor;

public interface ICursorHandler
    Texture2D CurrentCursor { get; }
    void SetCursor(CustomCursor newCursor);

//Manager that cached last setted cursor
public class CursorHandler
    private CustomCursor currentCursor;

    public CustomCursor CurrentCursor { get { return currentCursor; } }

    public void SetCursor(CustomCursor newCursor)
        currentCursor = newCursor;
        Cursor.SetCursor(currentCursor.Texture, currentCursor.HotSpot, currentCursor.Mode);
        Debug.LogFormat("{0}", currentCursor.Texture);

//Main script for cursor management usage
public class MyScript : MonoBehaviour
    private CursorsHolder cursorsData;

    ICursorHandler cursorHandler = new CursorHandler();

    private void Awake()
        cursorsData.InitializeDefault(new CustomCursor() { Texture = PlayerSettings.defaultCursor, HotSpot = Vector2.zero, Mode = CursorMode.ForceSoftware });


    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A))

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B))

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C))

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D))


You must not forget assign default cursor in player settings.

谢谢你们,但我想通了,我发现了这一点,并使用 SepehrM 答案将光标转换为位图,并仅使用它将位图转换为纹理 2D,再次感谢 :)

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