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Shell Scripting: Calling mailx in a loop

I am trying to write a script using which I need to send multiple emails with a file as attachment per email. This is because of mail attachment size limitations.

I have zip files in a directory and they are file01.zip, file02.zip etc. and there will be about 4-5 of these files.

-- File count is normally passed in
datestr="`date +"%m/%d/%Y"`"

while [ $fileCounter -le $numFiles ]
    SUBJECT_LINE="Weekly files ($fileCounter of $numFiles) - $datestr"

    echo "[`date`] E-mailing file ($fileCounter of $numFiles) ... "
    echo $ZIPFILE
    ls -ltr $ZIPFILE
    mailx -a "$ZIPFILE" \
          -r no-reply@host.com \
          -s "$SUBJECT_LINE" \
          $TO_LIST < /dev/null
    echo "[`date`] Done"
    fileCounter=$(( $fileCounter + 1 ))

I am trying to call mailx in a loop as you can see. I tried the following as well

for file in file0*.zip


I am able to see the ZIPFILE names when I print them out using echo but the mailx command in the loop returns the following although the files are there:

No such file or directory

I can run the same mailx command from console and have the e-mail sent out. I can also send one e-mail without a loop, but doing so inside a loop seems to cause an issue. Am I missing something?

I likely had one or more characters not visible to the eye in the file name ($ZIPFILE) being passed in as attachment to mailx. I typed parts of the script today again while troubleshooting and that fixed the issue. But the script above is good.

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