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How to show month name using PHP_intl?

I keep getting number instead of month name. I need to get the month name like July .

$formatter = new \IntlDateFormatter(
$time = new \DateTime();
$formatter->setPattern('yyyy mm dd');

You can use MMMM.
All available pattern is on this link

$formatter = new \IntlDateFormatter(
$time = new \DateTime();
$formatter->setPattern('yyyy MMMM dd');

This question is same as this

$time = new \DateTime();
$formatter->setPattern('yyyy MMMM dd');

use MMMM to show month name. for more info : http://userguide.icu-project.org/formatparse/datetime

$formatter->setPattern('yyyy MMMM dd');

更多信息: http : //userguide.icu-project.org/formatparse/datetime

Try this:

setlocale(LC_ALL, 'no_NB.utf-8', 'nor'); // For other stuff
Locale::setDefault('no_NB.utf-8'); // For IntlDateFormatter

$f = new IntlDateFormatter(null, null, null, null, null, 'd. MMMM y');
echo "Date-". $f->format(new DateTime("2017-10-24"))."<br/>";

$f = new IntlDateFormatter(null, null, null, null, null, 'MMMM');
echo "Month-". $f->format(new DateTime("2017-10-24"));


Date - 24 oktober 2017

Month - oktober

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