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Install latest php_intl on Ubuntu 10.04

I'm using the Ondřej Surý source for the latest php Version on Ubuntu 10.04. So i get PHP Version 5.4.12-1~lucid+1

For my Symfony2 applciation I need the latest version of the php-intl extension.

On my local XAMPP Server I am running

  • INTL version 1.1.0
  • ICU version 4.6.1

On my webserver is only this one:

  • INTL version 1.1.0
  • ICU version 4.2.1

Is there a source or a way to update it too ?

You will have to compile a more recent version of ICU from source and then recompile the PHP intl extension.

Building ICU from source is pretty standard (configure, make, sudo make install). You can pass --prefix to configure to select the installation location.

The easiest way to recompile the PHP intl extension is to remove the one you currently have ( apt-get remove php5-intl ) and install the PECL version ( pecl install intl ). You will be asked for the location of the ICU files.

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