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Pass a variable by reference from Angular2 template

Let's say I have a variable called isVisible. And I have a method called

ReverseVariable(variable: boolean)
   variable = !variable;

I want to call this method from a template like

<button (click)="ReverseVariable(isVisible)"></button>

I want to give it isVisible in the parameters and have isVisible reverse itself. Something like the following example is not an option

  this.isVisible = !this.isVisible;

Is there any way that I can pass the variable by reference?

Not with a primitive data type like a boolean. What you could do is make a non-primitive like an object

isVisible = {
    flag: true

Then toggle that in your function

   isVisible.flag = !isVisible.flag;

Here is plnkr demonstrating this ( https://plnkr.co/edit/VYEimNoHZvGxeE4S2W4L?p=preview )

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