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How can I place my data fields in COLUMNS in my Excel Pivot Table (Aspose Cells)

I have already tried "PivotFieldType.Column" approach. It's not working because the source data Excel sheet looks like below

Excel sheet: Input Data

Company Name FundsinUse LastDayCash

  • My Company AA -33848 37
  • My Company AA -33848 37
  • My Company AA -33848 37
  • My Company BB 2188.75 55.5
  • My Company BB 2188.75 55.5
  • My Company BB 2188.75 55.5
  • My Company BB 2188.75 55.5


I am creating Pivot table from this "Input Data" sheet and the generated Excel looks like below:

Row Labels          
My Company AA    FundsinUse    -101544
                 LastDayCash    111
My Company BB    FundsinUse     8755
                 LastDayCash    222

I would like to get output like below:

Row Labels          FundsinUse        LastDayCash
My Company AA        -101544            111
My Company BB         8755              222

Please help me to implement "Drag To Colum" on Data Fields using C#

Sample code

string sourceData = string.Format("='Input Data'!A1:BU{0}", totalRows + 1);

int indexOfFirstSheet = workbookDesigner.Workbook.Worksheets["FirstSheet"].Index;

Worksheet newWS = workbookDesigner.Workbook.Worksheets.Insert(indexOfFirstSheet + 1, SheetType.Worksheet, "My Pivot Sheet");

PivotTableCollection pivotTablesColl = newWS.PivotTables;

int index = pivotTablesColl.Add(sourceData, "A3", "My Pivot");

PivotTable pt = pivotTablesColl[index];
pt.RowGrand = true;
pt.ColumnGrand = true;

//Row field
pt.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Row, "Company Name");

// Data fields
pt.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Data, "FundsinUse");
pt.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Data, "LastDayCash");

PivotField fundsinUse = pt.DataFields[0];
fundsinUse.DragToColumn = true;

Please use the PivotTable.DataField for your needs. Please see the following sample code and screenshots showing the input and output Excel files.


Workbook wb = new Workbook("source.xlsx");

Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[0];

PivotTable pt = ws.PivotTables[0];

PivotField pdf = pt.DataField;

pt.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Column, pt.DataField);



Screenshot - Before


Screenshot - After


Note: I am working as Developer Evangelist at Aspose

PivotTable pt = (PivotTable)hoja2.PivotTables("TD1");

it´s works for me

For some reason, when you have two or more Data fields and no Column fields, you have to add a "virtual" field into the Columns to make it display as expected.

// Add virtual field to column
pt.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Column, pt.DataField);

See this for a fuller example: https://forum.aspose.com/t/how-do-you-add-a-count-column-to-a-pivottable/166240/8

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