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Why is MVC Area Routing not working as expected?

I have the following area set up on my site.

public class AdminAreaRegistration : AreaRegistration
    public override string AreaName
            return "Admin";

    public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)
            new { action = "Home", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new[] { "DevTest.Areas.Admin.Controllers" }

            new { action = "Home", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new[] { "DevTest.Areas.Admin.Controllers" }

And the following methods in my controller .

public class PlayerController : Controller
    public PlayerController()


    public ActionResult Home(Guid id)
        var model = new HomeViewModel();
        // Do Stuff
        return View("Home", model);

    public ActionResult Home(HomeViewModel model)
        // Do Stuff
        return View("Home", model);

    public ActionResult TestMethod(Guid id)
        return Json(new
            Test = "Hi!",
            id = id.ToString()

My two home methods work fine. TestMethod works if I hit it with Admin/Player/TestMethod/e0ef4ab3-3fe5-4ea8-8ae1-c16b9defcabe " but fails if I hit it with Admin/Player/TestMethod?id=e0ef4ab3-3fe5-4ea8-8ae1-c16b9defcabe .

This is obviously just a demonstrative example. I want to be able to hit some methods in this Controller passing values in (mostly via ajax requests) but the routing is not working as intended.

Thanks in advance.

As noted by @Stephen Muecke in the comments, my first route was not specific enough. I had to constrain the id to be a guid for it to work as intended.

I did this with a regex as I'm still using Mvc version 4.

    new { action = "Home", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
    new { id = @"[a-f0-9-]+" },
    new[] { "DevTest.Areas.Admin.Controllers" }

If I had Mvc 5 I could have used:

new { guid = new GuidRouteConstraint() }

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