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Node.js line by line with async operation

I am attempting to read a stream line by line and for each line do some async processing. The issue I'm having is how to determine when the operations for all lines are complete. I thought I could use the readline "close" event but that seems to be triggered long before the async operations I've started on the "line" event complete.

Here's the event handlers in question:

logReader.on("line", inputLine => {
    self._processLogLine(inputLine, () => {
        if (self.streamFinished) {

logReader.on("close", () => {
    self.streamFinished = true;

The completionCallback method should be called when all line processing on the stream is done.

I've thought about adding counters for line operations started/completed and calling the completionCallback when they match but that seems awkward.

Here is one way you could do it basically keeping track of each lines success. I don't have enough of your code to test it...

const lineProcessing = [];

const doCompletion = () => {
  if (self.streamFinished && !lineProcessing.includes(false)) {
    // Not sure where 'err' comes from

logReader.on("line", inputLine => {
  let processingIndex = lineProcessing.length - 1;
  self._processLogLine(inputLine, () => {
    lineProcessing[processingIndex] = true;

logReader.on("close", () => {
  self.streamFinished = true;

It's a little difficult to tell for sure what needs to happen without more context. But here's a quick and somewhat dirty fix that should be adaptable to your situation. It shows how you can accomplish this with promises:

let promises = []

logReader.on("line", inputLine => {
    promises.push(new Promise(resolve => {
        self._processLogLine(inputLine, resolve)

logReader.on("close", () => {

Essentially, just create an array of promises. When you know that all promises have been added to the array, call Promise.all() on it.

If you use this approach, you'd probably want to add error checking ( rejecting and catching ).

Look into generators. They give you a way to do a "for" loop...and when you're done, you just return from the generator function.

So you can have a generator to read the file, and a function that uses the generator, then when the loop ends, call your callback.

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