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MongoDB in Azure Cosmos DB

I was wondering if MongoDB is fully supported in Azure Cosmos DB through the MongoDB API https://docs.microsoft.com/es-es/azure/cosmos-db/mongodb-introduction

I have read that the aggregation pipeline, map-reduce and the full-text indexes is not fully integrated. Does anyone have further information about it? Would you use MongoDB in Azure Cosmos DB considering its current status?

Cosmos DB implements MongoDB wire protocol and many customers already use MongoDB API in production. Aggregation pipeline is in private preview and you can enable it by emailing askcosmosmongoapi@microsoft.com. Map-reduce functionality is mostly covered by aggregation pipiline. Full-text search is partially available through Azure Search, which can index MongoDB collections and $regex operator within MongoDB API covers less complex text search. You can find some other feature requests and their status at https://feedback.azure.com/forums/263030-azure-cosmos-db/category/321994-mongodb-api

Cosmos DB's MongoDB layer implements a large subset of native MongoDB functionality. Specifics of supported features are published here .

You mentioned aggregation pipeline: As of November 2017, this is now supported.

Regarding "current status" of the Cosmos DB MongoDB API: It's a production database with SLA. You'll need to make your own decision on whether to use it, based on feature set and your app's needs.

You can activate aggregation pipeline through Azure portal by going to Preview Features menu.


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