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Dictionary lookup won't recognize initial input

Hello StackOverflow community, I am very close to finishing the creation of a employee database program which implements a dictionary for storage. The issue I have been running into is that the initial Employee objects that are stored before the menu prompt are unable to be located. They exist in the database, but I cannot manipulate them at all with my code. Anything I add afterwards using the menu functions is able to be looked up or deleted. I'm not really sure what the issue is here. I tried making the dictionary global to no avail. The statements I use are nearly identical.

class Employee:
    def __init__(self, name, idNo, department, title):
        self.name = name
        self.idNo = idNo
        self.department = department
        self.title = title   

    def setName(newName):
        self.name = newName

    def setIDNo(newID):
        self.idNo = newID

    def setDepartment(newDept):
        self.department = newDept

    def setTitle(newTitle):
        self.title = newTitle

    def getName():
        return self.name

    def getIDNo():
        return self.idNo

    def getDepartment():
        return self.department

    def getTitle():
        return self.title

    def __str__(self):
         return "Name: {0} \nID number: {1} \nDepartment: {2} \nTitle: {3}\n".format(self.name, self.idNo, self.department, self.title)

def main():
    empDatabase = {}
    entry = input("Do You Want to Enter New Employee Information(Y/N): ")
    entry = entry.upper()
    if entry == 'Y':
       gate = True
       newName = input("Enter Employee Name: ")
       newID = input("Enter Employee ID Number: ")
       newDept = input("Enter Employee Department Name: ")
       newTitle = input("Enter Employee Job Title: ")
       empDatabase[newID] = Employee(newName, newID, newDept, newTitle)    
       another = input("Do You Want to Enter Another Employee Information(Y/N): ")
       another = another.upper()
       if another != 'Y':
          gate = False
       while gate == True:
          newName2 = input("Enter Employee Name: ")
          newID2 = input("Enter Employee ID Number: ")
          newDept2 = input("Enter Employee Department Name: ")
          newTitle2 = input("Enter Employee Job Title: ")
          empDatabase[newID2] = Employee(newName2, newID2, newDept2, newTitle2)
          another2 = input("Do You Want to Enter Another Employee Information(Y/N): ")
          another2 = another2.upper()
          if another2 != 'Y':
               gate = False
    boolGate = True
    while boolGate == True:
        print("\nPlease Select from the Following Menu: ")
        print("1. Look up an Employee in the Dictionary")
        print("2. Add a New Employee to the Dictionary")
        print("3. Delete an Employee from the Dictionary")
        print("4. Quit the Program")
        choice = eval(input("Please Enter a Number from the Menu: "))
        if choice == 1:
            idNo = eval(input("Please Enter the Employee ID You are Looking for: "))
            dic_lookup(idNo, empDatabase)
        elif choice == 2:
            empDatabase = dic_add(empDatabase)
        elif choice == 3:
            idNo = eval(input("Please Enter the Employee ID to Delete the Employee: "))
            dic_delete(idNo, empDatabase)
            boolGate = False
def dic_lookup(idNo, database):
    if idNo in database:
        print("This Employee ID is not Available in our Database")
def dic_add(database):
    addName = input("Enter New Employee Name: ")
    addID = eval(input("Enter New Employee ID Number: "))
    addDept = input("Enter New Employee Department Name: ")
    addTitle = input("Enter New Employee Job Title: ")
    database[addID] = Employee(addName, addID, addDept, addTitle)
    return database

def dic_delete(idNo, database):
    if idNo in database.keys():
        print("Employee does not exist in database")
    return database  


I added a couple of print statements along the code. The first two elements were added initially, the third one was added using the menus. This is the output from the print:

{'1': < main .Employee object at 0x037FFDB0>, '2': < main .Employee object at 0x037FFE30>, 3: < main .Employee object at 0x037FFA30>}

As you can see the first two keys are string, the third one an integer.

If you modify your code (rows 45 and 55) to add integers keys to the dictionary:

empDatabase[int(newID)] = Employee(newName, newID, newDept, newTitle)
empDatabase[int(newID2)] = Employee(newName2, newID2, newDept2, newTitle2)

it seems to work fine.

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