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Vaadin UI Testing getPage(),getLocation() with JUnit4

I am trying to test one of the classes which has a Vaadin UI parameters,

at the test execution level i have a null pointer exception

String basePath = getBasePath();

This part can not be reached by the test case because of the getBasePath() method is not reachable due to NullPointerException.

protected String getBasePath(){
    String basePath = "";

    String host = UI.getCurrent().getPage().getLocation().getHost();
    int port = UI.getCurrent().getPage().getLocation().getPort();
    String path_app = UI.getCurrent().getPage().getLocation().getPath();
    String http_s = UI.getCurrent().getPage().getLocation().getScheme();

So in this part of this code,I tested that


Has a result, It is not null and test can reach to it. But the getLocation() has a null pointer exception.

public void init() throws URISyntaxException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException {

    TetUI tetUI = new TetUI();

I set the Location like that or could be a URI as well, But it is still null.

I tried to have some other sources about the topic on the internet and nothing came out yet.

Maybe i do it in a completely wrong way , Is this approach is correct? Any suggestions ?

Setting values through Vaadins static methods doesnt work very well.

You have two options:

  1. Mock static method call with PowerMock.
  2. Wrap calling UI methods with facade and mock it with Mockito.

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