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apache htaccess url rewrite parameters

I'm having issue to rewrite url Before asking my question I need to explain my website My website is wroten in pure php, with main index.php and includes folder with php(inc) files which are included depending the requested page

I have the hereunder url: https://www.example.com/client/reset.html?token=NNKE7MD7Q1

And I want to pass the token to my php file which will check the parameter token I wrote the hereunder rule but I have error 404

RewriteRule ^client/reset.html\?token=([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ /?page=reset?token=$1 [L]

Can anyone help me with this? Thanks

RewriteRule ^client/reset.html /index.php?page=reset [QSA,L]


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