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Move files to a network drive via batch script

I have a network drive and I'd like to move some files on it via the windows task scheduler however I have some trouble making the batch file.

start "" "C:\PATH_TO_7z\7za.exe" a -tzip D:\Backup.zip D:\*.xlsx
move "D:\Backup.zip" "\\HostName\ShareName"

The move command say that he cannot find the network name.

I've tried to use net use like

net use S: "\\HostName\ShareName"

And here it says error 67 and he still cannot find the network name too.

However I succeed to move files with the same command line when I use it from the CMD and not from a batch file (I tried to run batch file as admin too).

So my question is, how can I map this drive within the script and then move my files in the drive ?

EDIT: I did a bit of testing and found out that when I run a windows CMD as an admin net use does not see my network drive but when I run a CMD normally I did see the disk.

You are getting ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME . The correct pattern is \\\\HostName\\ShareName . If you can't remove the start command from the script, then add the /WAIT option to its command line. It's possible you are witnessing a race for access to the zip file.

This was failing for me and it was because the hostname is case sensitive. Hope this helps someone

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