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setting caret (cursor) inside bold element present inside contenteditable paragraph

I have been trying to build a web based text editor. And as part of the process, I am trying to dynamically create and modify elements based and keystroke events for font editing. In this particular jsfiddle example I'm trying to create a strong element upon hitting CTRL+b and setting the focus/caret inside the strong element so that subsequent text entered will be part of the bold element and hence will have bold text. But my code is just creating a strong element but not transferring the focus hence no text is getting bolder.

In the below code I'm creating event listener to capture keystroke events



// adding eventlistener for keydown

// eventlistenerr callback function
function listener(){
  if(e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode==66)

      // creating bold element

      //bug below
      // setting focus inside bold element

Here is the function for setting the focus.

function setfocus(context, position){
    var range = document.createRange();
    position =position || 0;
    var sel = window.getSelection();
    range.setStart(context, position);

However, I have not doubt that the function which sets focus is faulty, because in the fiddle if you observe, I have created a separate setup just to test this out. Click on the button "Click Here" and the focus dynamically shifts to paragraph element without any hassle. I am unable to figure out what is going wrong.

It's pretty much impossible to move the cursor into an empty element in a contenteditable div. However, as shay levi suggested in another post, you can insert the zero-width character &#200B into your empty element to give it an index value.

Here's an example*:

 function insertNode(nodeName) { var sel = window.getSelection(), range; range = sel.getRangeAt(0); range.deleteContents(); var child = document.createElement(nodeName); child.innerHTML = '​'; range.insertNode(child); } var div = document.querySelector('div'), btn = document.querySelector('button'); btn.addEventListener('click', function() { insertNode('strong'); div.focus(); }); div.focus(); 
 <div contenteditable></div><button><strong>B</strong></button> 

*For the sake of simplicity, this script doesn't toggle bold text, it only sets it.

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