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Angular / Ionic 3 Http.get()

i try to make an http.get -Request with angluar/http in Ionic 3. The request is correct, but I'm not able to catch the error.

My methods look like this:

 finalize() { this.saveConfig().then(() => { loader.dismiss(); loader2.present(); this.checkApiServer().then((data) => { console.log(data); loader2.dismiss(); }).catch(err => { console.log('error', err); loader2.dismiss(); }); }); } checkApiServer() { this.http.get(this.configuration.server + 'ping').subscribe(data => { if (data.status == 200) { resolve('server available'); } else { reject(Error('server unan')); } }); } 

If I'm hitting a correct endpoint everthing works, but if the server is not available, i can not catch the error.

Thank you so much for your help



this is the completed method now:

 finalize() { this.saveConfig().then(() => { loader.dismiss(); loader2.present(); this.checkApiServer().then((data) => { console.log(data); loader2.dismiss(); }).catch(err => { console.log('error', err); loader2.dismiss(); this.slides.lockSwipes(false); this.slides.slideTo(1); this.slides.lockSwipes(true); this.error = true; this.errorMessage = 'Der Api-Server konnte nicht erreicht werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie mit einem WLAN verbunden sind und er korrekte API-Server eingestellt ist.' }); }); } } checkApiServer() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.http.get(this.configuration.server + 'ping', { timeout: 3000 }).subscribe( (data) => { if (data.status == 200) { resolve('server available'); } else { reject(Error('server error')) } }, (err) => { reject(Error('server unreachable')); } ) }) } 


i'm assuming you're hitting a timeout. you can pass an error handler along with the subscribe as an arrow function like this :

//timeout is an optional setting optional here
this.http.get(this.configuration.server + 'ping', {headers: headers, timeout: 1000}).subscribe(
    //we only hit this function when the subscribable returns an actual result (in this case, when the server answers)
    (data) => {
      if (data.status == 200) {
        resolve('server available');
      } else {
        reject(Error('server error'));
    //this is the default angular way of handling errors when using a subscribable
    //so it should work for Ionic as well.
    //we will only hit it if something goes wrong while waiting for our subscribable to finish
    (err) => {
      reject(Error('server unreachable?'));

He, you can use to the new HttpClient module of Angular 4.3, is too easy manage HTTP request.

 this.http.get(this.configuration.server, {headers: headers}).subscribe(

        (data) => {
           // Here the code to execute when status code is 200

        (err) => {
          // Here when error
() => {
        // and here the code to execute finally, (when http request finish)      

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