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React Native packager not locating package.json

I installed Atom and Nuclide and opened a newly initialized React Native Project in Atom. Once I try to start the React Native Packager I am getting an error stating

An unexpected error occurred while running the React Native Packager process: ENOTDIR: not a directory, stat '/Users/UserName/Documents/MyProjectDirectory/ProjectName/package.json/package.json'


There is no directory called package.json and I'm not aware how this path could have become corrupted. Any help would be much appreciated.

Not a solution, but a workaround for now:

You can run the following to start the packager manually: npm start

Or, generally, running react-native run-ios (or run-android ) will start the packager as a matter of course (in a separate terminal window).

(Also no clue why this is happening; for me, it was after the upgrade from RN 0.49 ~> 0.50 .)

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