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Running an executable jar of SWT/JFace project on the other Computers

I am creating a SWT/JFace project and exporting as executable jar. But this jar is not working on the other computers. When use double clicks the jar nothing happens. I am sure that other user has JRE installed.

I think problem is the Referanced Libraries. Beause near the libraries its written C:\\Users\\Turgut - İhracat.p2\\pool\\plugins\\org.eclipse.osgi_3.12.50.v20170928-1321.jar

Here is the Screen capture of libraries. Any helps will be apriciated..


  • Remove all referenced jars,
  • Create a 'lib' folder in your project,
  • Paste your referenced jars into 'lib' folder;
  • Add these jars into 'classpath'

If this not work, execute your jar via command line to see the error.

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