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Eloquent where clause in JOIN table - Laravel 5.5

I have two models which are connected each other.

class Company extends Model {
   public function addresses() {
      return $this->belongsToMany('\App\Address', 'address_mapping', 'uid_company', 'uid_address');

class Address extends Model {

In my JOIN table I have a column named active. How can I fetch all active addresses from the company? Or how can I implement a where-clause in the JOIN table?

Thank you!

The table that you call a "JOIN table", usually called a pivot table . You can fetch all active records by using wherePivot method:

 $company = Company::first();   
 $activeAdresses = $company->addresses()->wherePivot('active', 1);

Or you can directly define the relationship in your model:

class Company extends Model {
   public function activeAddresses() {
      return $this->belongsToMany('\App\Address', 'address_mapping', 'uid_company', 'uid_address')
                  ->wherePivot('active', 1);

See section Filtering Relationships Via Intermediate Table Columns in Eloquent documentation

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