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How to debug SuiteScript 2.0 (RESTlet) in NetSuite Debugger?

I am trying to debug sample suitescript (2.0) in Netsuite Debugger, but getting error:

TypeError: Cannot read property "length" from undefined (SYSTEM_LIBS$debugger.sys#2372)

 *@NApiVersion 2.x
 *@NScriptType Restlet
 *@NModuleScope Public
var func = require(['N/search'],
    function (search)
        function func1(context)
            SEARCHMODULE = search;
            log.debug('Called from POST', restletBody);
          var mySearch = SEARCHMODULE.create({
            type: SEARCHMODULE.Type.CUSTOMER,
          columns: ['entityid']


        var res = SEARCHMODULE.run();
        function func2(context)
           // add your logic here 

        return {
            post: func1,
            get: func2



I think, I am missing some code pattern here. Can please anybody help me regarding this.

Thanks in advance


var res = SEARCHMODULE.run();


var res = mySearch.run();

Also, put the line inside the function

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