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Immutable JS - get a value inside a nested map

I'm using immutableJS, React/Redux and I have this map and I need to get the values of actions , so it will be like -> allRetrospectivesMap -> id -> current_stage -> actions


I have this code and it works, but it's super ugly, is there a better way to do it?

    class UserActionItems extends Component {
      render() {
        const { retrospectives } = this.props
        const actions = flatten(
          .map(key => retrospectives.get(key))
          .map(retro => immutableHelpers.toJS(retro.getIn(['current_stage', 'actions'])))

    return (

    const mapStateToProps = ({ allRetrospectivesMap }) => ({
      retrospectives: allRetrospectivesMap

Thanks!!! :)

You can do this with a getIn() method from immutable js.

const id = getId() // you've id from somewhere
const actions= state.getIn(['allRetrospectivesMap', id, 'current_stage', 'actions']); // Note: state is your immutable data.

Read more about it here

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