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ViewModel Observer first argument is require Lifecycleowner

I'm trying to use the android ViewModel and LiveData, but I getting an error when I want to create the observe. The first argument give me an error: wrong first argument type, and it is expect Lifecycleowner. If I try to build it: incompatible types: FragStat cannot be converted to LifecycleOwner I'm using build tools 27.0.1 and the same for the support lib.

Here is my Fragment:

import android.arch.lifecycle.Observer;
import android.arch.lifecycle.ViewModelProviders;
import android.support.annotation.Nullable;
import android.support.v4.app.Fragment;
import android.support.v7.widget.LinearLayoutManager;

import android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView;
import android.util.Log;

import com.example.konem.pubgstat.Adapters.StatAdapter;
import com.example.konem.pubgstat.LocalStatViewModel;
import com.example.konem.pubgstat.Models.LocalStat;
import com.example.konem.pubgstat.R;
import com.example.konem.pubgstat.Utils.LocalData.AppDatabase;
import com.example.konem.pubgstat.Utils.UserManager;
import org.androidannotations.annotations.AfterViews;
import org.androidannotations.annotations.EFragment;
import org.androidannotations.annotations.ViewById;
import java.util.List;
import static android.content.ContentValues.TAG;

public class FragStat extends Fragment {
private List<LocalStat> localStats;
private StatAdapter statAdapter;
private AppDatabase appDatabase;
private UserManager userManager;

RecyclerView rvStats;

void init() {
    appDatabase = AppDatabase.getAppDatabase(getActivity());
    userManager = new UserManager(getActivity());
    LocalStatViewModel mViewModel = 

    statAdapter = new StatAdapter(localStats);

    rvStats.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(getActivity()));

private void subscribetostats(LocalStatViewModel localStatViewModel) {
    localStatViewModel.getList().observe(this, new Observer<List<LocalStat>>() {
        public void onChanged(@Nullable List<LocalStat> localStats) {



Set the return type for getting records from DOA interface to
LiveData<List<LocatStat>> getAllStats();

Then get Live data in fragment,

LiveData<List<LocalStat> localStats;

Finally set Livedata observer in fragment

localStats.getList().observe(this, new Observer<List<LocalStat>>() {
    public void onChanged(@Nullable List<LocalStat> localStats) {

        // Update UI


So after few days trying I found the problem. You have to include this few lines in every fragment or activity, I thought is implemented by the appcombat but not...

private LifecycleRegistry mLifecycleRegistry;
public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    mLifecycleRegistry = new LifecycleRegistry(this);


public void onStart() {

public Lifecycle getLifecycle() {
    return mLifecycleRegistry;

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