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Can't filter based on boolean array on numpy array python

I have this simple code in python:

 >>> farray
 array([ 34.646433,  34.642292,  34.645295,  34.645938,  34.647517,
    34.646254,  34.640245])
 >>> is_ok
 0    False
 1    False
 2    False
 3    False
 4    False
 5    False
 6    False
 dtype: bool

Now if I do this:

array([ 34.646433,  34.646433,  34.646433,  34.646433,  34.646433,
    34.646433,  34.646433])

When I tested my code it worked and the output was []. However I've used it on a different machine and it doesn't work. From what I've seen, both machines have 3.6.3 python. I also get a warning:

D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ipykernel_launcher.py:1: FutureWarning: in 
the future, boolean array-likes will be handled as a 
boolean array index
"""Entry point for launching an IPython kernel.

Can someone please explain to me what's happening? I'm not very familiar with python.


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