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Rails 5.1.4: Third-party assets in /vendor wont show in view

I am trying to run a simple rails (-v 5.1.4) application which implements one of the samples that ship with the amcharts library.

Here's what work: 工作:

  • create /app/assets/javascripts/amcharts folder
  • copy third party content to /app/assets/javascripts/amcharts
  • add //= require amcharts to /app/assets/javascripts/application.js

I run the rails server and the graph is displayed as expected from watching the original stand-alone html view. Therefore I assume the edited code is working correctly.

Here's what work: 工作:

  • create /vendor/assets(/javascripts)/amcharts folder
  • copy third party content to /vendor/assets(/javascripts)/amcharts
  • add //= require amcharts to /app/assets/javascripts/application.js
  • add config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('vendor/assets(/javascripts)/amcharts') to config/application.rb
  • add relative paths ../../../vendor/assets(/javascripts)/amcharts/$name$.js to app/assets/application.js

When I run the rails server no error is given but the application displays an blank white page instead of the graph, the source-code of the page shows the code of my view-file as expected.

Since my respective view is called amcharts.html.erb I have a amcharts.coffee -file in my app/assets/javascripts/ -folder. Could it be sprockets falsely assumes that's the file it needs?

Also I wonder what the app/config/manifest.js is for. All manifest related changes seem to be made in the app/assets/javascript/application.js file anyways...

EDIT: An shortened version of my view-file app/views/amcharts/index.html.erb (modified code of the samples from amcharts lib)

<div id="chartdiv" style="width: 100%; height: 400px;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var chart;
var chartData = [ { $data } ];
AmCharts.ready(function () { 
  chart = new AmCharts.AmSerialChart();
  chart.dataProvider = chartData;

I got the opportunity to share my files with a professional and he fixed the problem. The way to go was:

  • Install gems 'amcharts-rails', 'rails-assets-amcharts3'
  • add //= require amcharts3 , //= require amcharts3/serial to app/assets/javascripts/application.js

I still wonder how to include third-party-content from vendor/assets. But since the whole thing is working now without files in wrong folders, I'll mark this as answered. Thanks to everybody who tried to help!

Put the JS package directly under vendor/assets , not in vendor/assets/javascripts . For example, add the /vendor/assets/amcharts/amcharts.js library to your application via //= require amcharts .

For a more concrete example, here's how I've structured including the DataTables library in a Rails 5 application:


(Note the folder hierarchy below vendor/assets is exactly what the DataTables package provides.)


 *= css/dataTables.bootstrap4


//= require js/jquery.dataTables
//= require js/dataTables.bootstrap4

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