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How to copy an EXE from a .net core app's bin directory into wwwroot without knowing the build configuration?

I have an exe being dropped into my bin directory however sometimes this exe will be dropped into debug or release . Is there any way to - from a post-build event - say "hey, wherever we built this thing, copy it into the wwwroot folder"?

I see the following: http://www.benramey.com/2010/06/29/visual-studio-post-build-event-to-copy-dlls/

Where this code is used:

cd $(ProjectDir)
copy /y bin\debug\*.dll C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\{YOUR SHAREPOINT SITE DIRECTORY}\bin

However I want to not specify debug or release or netcoreapp2.0 or netcoreapp :


How can this be achieved?

Use the provided macros. You already used $(ProjectDir) .

$(TargetPath) will contain the complete path to the executable. $(OutDir) will contain the output directory (relative).

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