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Android Wear: How to Start/Stop Heart Rate Sensor?

I am reading heart rate of a user using Optical heart rate Sensor in the device by using `SensorEventListener

My Service is registering to listen to the event through:


I want to unregister the listener, basically stop the heart rate sensor to save battery when the device is not in touch with a user.

How to go about implementing the same?

您可以使用SensorManager.unregisterListener(SensorEventListener listener, Sensor sensor) ,用this作为听众。

I am working with sensors. Try this line inside onPause() method


and you can use a flag Set it to 'false' when you want to stop getting values from sensors.

boolean msensor = false;

The sensors are registered in OnCreate or asynchronous task and you can override onSensorChanged() method for detecting any changes

check more from this tutorial http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/AndroidSensor/article.html


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