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Visual Studio 2017 Installer Project not showing any dependencies

I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 (version 15.4.4), with the Visual Studio Installer Extension. I have an existing C# .Net Core 1.1 console application with four Nuget packages listed as dependencies in my solution, and I have added an Installer project to this solution to build a Windows application setup program.

I've ticked the "primary output" option to include the built DLL, however when I look at the Dependencies folder in the Solution Explorer it is empty. Right-clicking "Refresh Dependencies" on this folder does not do anything for me.

When I build the release for the installer project, the end .msi file and setup.exe don't include or otherwise install any of the nuget packages.

The output console when I build the setup package just lists my runtimeconfig.json file and dll when it is packaging, and the runtimeconfig.json file only has the following in it:

  "runtimeOptions": {
    "framework": {
      "name": "Microsoft.NETCore.App",
      "version": "1.1.2"

Have I missed something? What might I need to do to get the nuget packages recognized as dependencies and added to the install files so they get deployed by my setup.exe?

Thanks stuartd and Leo Liu. For the moment I've followed the method of Build > Publish > publish to a folder, and then zipping that folder up for distribution.

I did have to copy the dll file into the obj\\x64\\Release\\win-x64 directory after building for this to work. I was getting an error that the file wasn't found.

This solution means I need to provide some more steps to the end users about how to set up the program to run, but at least it works.

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