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Conditional statement in c# expression in Razor

How can I write this if statement

@if (camera.IsInStock)
    <span class="text-success" style="float:right">IN STOCK</span>
    <span class="text-danger" style="float:right">OUT OF STOCK</span>

in expression like this:

@(camera.IsInStock ? "<span style='float:right' class='success'>IN STOCK</span>" : "<span style='float:right' class='danger'>OUT OF STOCK</span>")

The expression I provided doesn't work. Thanks

When you are trying to render the HTML markup inside a ternary expression, you should use Html.Raw method so that it will not get html encoded by razor.

@(camera.IsInStock ? 
        Html.Raw("<span style='float:right' class='text-success'>IN STOCK</span>") 
      : Html.Raw("<span style='float:right' class='text-danger'>OUT OF STOCK</span>"))

I personally prefer your first approach as i feel that is more readable. you may also consider creating helper methods which takes the IsInStock flag and return the css class needed and the text needed or even your entire span markup.

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