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How to check PDF/A conformance of existing document with iText 7?

I'm trying to check the conformance (PDF/A-1B) of an existing PDF document with iText. Unfortunately it only checks the conformance for newly created elements in document but ignores existing parts of document.

byte[] pdf = ...; // pdf document which claims to be conform but is not conform (1 font is not embedded)
final PdfADocument pdfADocument = new PdfADocument(new PdfReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(pdf)), 
     new PdfWriter(new ByteArrayOutputStream()));


If I add something not conform to pdfADocument then the call to close() throws a PdfAConformanceException .

I only find example about creating documents with PDF/A conformance but no example about just validating an existing document.

Is there a way to check conformance with iText 7 for an existing document?

Originally posted as a comment (because it felt too short to be a real answer), but now added as an answer as requested by the OP:

@mkl wrote: AFAIK iText just tries to make sure it itself does not introduce any issues but it does not contain a PDF/A validator.

I answered: I confirm. iText isn't a PDF validator.

The EU is sponsoring the development of an open source PDF/A validator and iText is following up on its development through the PDF Association . There are no plans at iText to develop another validator to compete with the one funded by the EU.

See verapdf.org for more info.

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