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How to test forms with Jasmine

I just started learning Jasmine and everything works fine apart from testing the form

I'm creating a todo app. Users submit the form and the input content is pushed to todos array.

This is the test

it('should trigger form', function(){
    document.body.innerHTML += '<form><input value="get milk" /><button type="submit" /></form>'
    const form = document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0]
    const result = 'get milk'
    const value = ''
    form.addEventListener('submit', function(e){
      console.log('it happened')
      value = document.querySelector('input').value
    setTimeout(function(){form.submit()}, 3000)
    // Then I'll remove the form from the dom

The form get's submitted but the event listener doesn't get triggered, so the page keeps reloading.

There is no possible way to test what is happening after the submission. So, an option would be to remove the addEventListener , spyOn the submit function of the form and mock the implementation.

    spyOn(form, 'submit').and.callFake(function() {
        console.log('it happened');
        value = document.querySelector('input').value;
        return false;

Also, if you want to keep the setTimeout , you will need to use the it 's optional single argument that should be called when the async work is complete, and move your expect inside the setTimeout function.

it('should trigger form', function(done/*call this function to complete the test*/){
    //...some code here


        expect(value).toEqual(result); // move "expect" here

        done(); // call "done" to complete the test
        }, 3000);

Hope it helps

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