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Mongo Shell Query in Java

Is there any easy way of firing Mongo query in Java??

        'o': { '$gt': [] }
        '$project': {
        'uid': 1,
        'o': 1
        '$project': {
        '_id': 0,
        'uid': 1,
        o: {
            $filter: {
            input: "$o",
            as: "item",
            cond: {
                $and: [
                    $lt: [ "$$item.ad", 0 ]
                    $lt: [ "$$item.at", 0 ]
        '$match': {
        'o': { '$gt': []}
        $project: {
        uid: 1,
        "mids": "$o.mid"
        $unwind: "$mids"
        $group: {
        _id: {
            uid: "$uid",
            mid: "$mids"
        count: { $sum: 1 }
        $project: {
        _id: 0,
        uid: "$_id.uid",
        mid: "$_id.mid",
        count: 1

Is http://jongo.org serve the purpose for complex queries?

As an alternative, you can use the Java driver's Document.parse() method. You can supply a JSON string to the method (following MongoDB's extended JSON formatting ), and it will return a parsed BSON document for you.

Please see http://mongodb.github.io/mongo-java-driver/3.5/javadoc/org/bson/Document.html#parse-java.lang.String- for the method's documentation.

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