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Polymer.js align iron-form elements horizontally

I am trying to create a form using Polymer 2.0 using iron-form. I want to align two form elements in one row and the next two element in the next row and so on. But i cant figure what to use to achieve this.

Please see the code below.

<div class="card">
            <iron-form id="form3">
                <form action="" method="get">
                    <paper-input float-label label="First Name"></paper-input>
                    <paper-input float-label label="Last Name"></paper-input>
                    <paper-input float-label label="Address"></paper-input>
                    <paper-input float-label label="State"></paper-input>
                    <paper-input float-label label="Country"></paper-input>
                    <paper-input float-label label="PIN"></paper-input>
                    <paper-input float-label label="Phone (Mobile)"></paper-input>
                    <paper-input float-label label="Phone (Office)"></paper-input>
                    <paper-button raised class="indigo">Submit</paper-button>

Help much appreciated.

Wrap <paper-item></paper-item> each <paper-input></paper-input> that you like to use at same row, also add padding to make space. ie:

   paper-input {padding-left:10px }

<div class="card">
            <iron-form id="form3">
                <form action="" method="get">
                      <paper-input float-label label="First Name"></paper-input>
                      <paper-input float-label label="Last Name"></paper-input>
                      <paper-input float-label label="Address"></paper-input>
                      <paper-input float-label label="State"></paper-input>
                      <paper-input float-label label="Country"></paper-input>
                      <paper-input float-label label="PIN"></paper-input>
                    <paper-input float-label label="Phone (Mobile)"></paper-input>
                      <paper-input float-label label="Phone (Office)"></paper-input>
                      <paper-button raised class="indigo">Submit</paper-button>
Wrap two paper input elements into div and apply style as shown below.

       @apply --layout-horizontal;
       @apply --layout-flex;

    <paper-input float-label label="First Name"></paper-input>
    <paper-input float-label label="Last Name"></paper-input>

Thank you so much for all the response. I finally decided to use granite-bootstrap-grid from granite-bootstrap component.

As i am very much used to bootstrap, this helped me to use the same bootstrap classes to get the responsive nature within polymer application.

please find the link below.


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