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.Net Core app can't write file to any folder OSX

I am building a .net core 2.0 app in OSX, its a WebAPI app that when an API endpoint is hit creates a .xlsx with dummy data. When I try to run it (dotnet run) I get

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '/Users/myuser/projects/myproject' is denied. ---> System.IO.IOException: Permission denied

I have tried running it as sudo and changing the folder it is writing to and neither helped

// GET api/values/5
    public string Get(int id)
        return "value";

    public void CreatePackage(string filePath)
        using (SpreadsheetDocument package = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(filePath, SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook))

    private void CreateParts(SpreadsheetDocument document)
        WorkbookPart workbookPart = document.AddWorkbookPart();

        WorksheetPart worksheetPart = workbookPart.AddNewPart<WorksheetPart>("rId1");

    private void GenerateWorkbookPartContent(WorkbookPart workbookPart)
        Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
        workbook.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships");

        Sheets sheets = new Sheets();
        Sheet sheet = new Sheet() { Name = "Sheet", SheetId = (UInt32Value)1U, Id = "rId1" };

        workbookPart.Workbook = workbook;

    private void GenerateWorksheetPartContent(WorksheetPart worksheetPart)
        Worksheet worksheet = new Worksheet();
        SheetData sheetData = new SheetData();

        Row row = new Row();
        Cell cell = new Cell() { CellReference = "A1", DataType = CellValues.InlineString };
        InlineString inlineString = new InlineString();
        Text text = new Text();
        text.Text = "hello";

        worksheetPart.Worksheet = worksheet;

This is the main parts of the class, I am creating the file (for now) in the project folder. I saw posts about giving read write permissions to all of my files for the CLI but that doesn't seem ideal. Also I saw this about setting attributes on files, but this is the OpenXml spreadsheet create method and as far as I can tell it doesnt have anything about setting file permissions (and it would need to be at the folder anyway)

Any help would be much appreciated

I figured it out, the filepath I was sending was a folderpath not a filepath, issue resolved

public string Get(int id)
    return "value";

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