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EXCEL Array SUM IF unique combinations of multiple criteria

Is it possible to create an array formula based on a table where it searches for distinct combinations of data before summing? Here is some sample data:

   |    A     |     B     |     C     |     D     |
 1 | 1 Jun    | Charlie   | D         | 1.3       |
 2 | 1 Jun    | Charlie   | N         | 1.4       |
 3 | 1 Jun    | Dave      | D         | 1.3       |
 4 | 2 Jun    | Charlie   | N         | 0.6       | 
 5 | 2 Jun    | Dave      | D         | 1.5       |

What I'd like the array formula to be able to do is look at the table, ignore column B and tell me which distinct rows (A, C and D or more criteria) and sum column D if they are unique. In this example, it should not sum Row 3 because on 1 Jun, "D" already has a 1.3.

PivotTables and VBA are out as I am designing this for the lowest level user on super restrictive computers.

EDIT: Picture of expected results, changed sample data to reflect results. 预期成绩

Kind of the data I am looking for.... I replaced the ID with the LName to visualize. I need to exclude individuals and get only aircraft hours by their modes. You can see toward the bottom of the image, 2 people are on one aircraft. I used MAX to keep it from SUMming it up and skewing the hours.

The levels on the left are by Date, Aircraft, Flight Number, then Person. I need to aggregate the hours down to the Flight Number of each date.


The original formula is


however, as it is, does not get me unique flights. I'd prefer an array formula to a PivotTable.... XD

  1. Create a table with the unique combos of A, C, and D. This works assuming finite or at least non-changing but you can also just add every combination you could possibly have and add an IF(row="","",x) to the formula to not show.
  2. You can add a new column (E) to your first table and then lookup the value in the new table or calculate in the new table.

      E = SUMIFS(D$3:D$30,A$3:A$30,A3,C$3:C$30,C3,D$3:D$30,D3) E1 = {=INDEX(A$3:E$30,MATCH(G3&H3&I3,A$3:A$30&C$3:C$30&D$3:D$30,0),5)} E2 = SUMIFS(D$3:D$30,A$3:A$30,G3,C$3:C$30,H3,D$3:D$30,I3) 


I ended up creating a calculation sheet to create a unique key for each flight by concatenating the fields I wanted to match and also eliminated the duplicates by searching for "VALID_PC" which searched for the highest rank of the person in the crew flying. The formulas I used in columns K and L were:




This allowed me to do a simple {=SUM} on whether column L had a 1 in it on the main page..

Calculations Sheet

I do appreciate the help and effort you all put in to help me.

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