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LInux g++ compiler errors on vector iterator when Visual Studio runs just fine

I have successfully compiled a C++ file allocation program on Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise with no issues. However, when I try to compile the same program on a Red Hat Linux server with GCC 4.8.5, I get errors that hound on the vector/iterator I'm using. Here is the nested struct and the type my vector is using:

    struct FATPtr
    string filename;
    int fileByte;

    bool operator< (const FATPtr& other) const          // overloaded < operator to compare two FAT pointers;
    {                                                   // comparison is by filename
        return filename < other.filename;

    bool operator< (const string& fname) const          // overloaded < operator to compare FAT pointer filename
    {                                                   // to another filename
        return filename < fname;

FATPtr fatPtr;                                          // pointer to a file allocation table entry
vector<FATPtr> fatVector;                               // vector to hold these pointers    

And here is the code generating the errors:

    // insert FAT filename and location into sorted vector
fatPtr.filename = filename;
fatPtr.fileByte = fatByte;
auto at = lower_bound(fatVector.cbegin(), fatVector.cend(), filename);
fatVector.insert(at, fatPtr);

void DiskInterface::deleteFATEntry(Disk& dsk, string filename, int entry)
    auto at = lower_bound(fatVector.cbegin(), fatVector.cend(), filename);


Specifically, the "at" iterator is throwing the error in both the vector insert and erase methods:

{cslinux1:~/CS4348/Project3} g++ -std=c++0x Project3.cpp -o Project3
Project3.cpp: In member function ‘void DiskInterface::addFAT(Disk&, std::string, int, int)’:
Project3.cpp:248:29: error: no matching function for call to ‘std::vector<DiskInterface::FATPtr>::insert(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const DiskInterface::FATPtr*, std::vector<DiskInterface::FATPtr> >&, DiskInterface::FATPtr&)’
  fatVector.insert(at, fatPtr);

GCC 4.8.5 could not handle const iterators in std::vector::insert and std::vector::erase ( The GNU C++ Library Manual - 1.1 Implementation Status - 23.3.6 ):

Change your calls to cbegin() and cend() to begin() and end() .

auto at = lower_bound(fatVector.begin(), fatVector.end(), filename);

Your code compiles fine with later versions.

Looks like defect in the language standard as @UncleBens points ( Container insert/erase and iterator constness(Revision 1)) N2350 ).

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