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Remember elements text clicked of names in Selenium?

As an example lets say I wanted to record all bios of users on SO.

Lets say I loaded up: How to click an element in Selenium WebDriver using JavaScript

I clicked all users: .user-details a (11 of them)

I wrote Extracted text -> to a csv.

driver.get(' Version compatibility of Firefox and the latest Selenium IDE ( ')

I read from csv the users.

user: Ripon Al Wasim [Is present again, do not click him] ??? How can this be achieved. As its text.

Is something like this accomplish-able or is this a limitation of selenium python?

You could click all of them, but lets say you had to scrape 200 pages and common name Bob popped up 430 times. I feel like it is unnecessary to click his name. Is something like this possible with Selenium?

I feel like I'm missing something and this is achievable but I am unaware how.

You could compare the text of text file and print(elem.get_attribute("href")) -> write that to a file and compare them. If elements were present, delete them but this is text. You could (maybe) put the text in an excel file. I'm not entirely sure if this is possible but you could write the css elements individually beside the text in the excel. And Delete rows where there are matched strings. And then get Selenium to load that up into Webdriver.

I'm not entirely convinced even this would work.

Is there a sane way of clicking css but ignoring names in a text file you have already clicked.

There's nothing special here with Selenium. That is your tool for interacting with the browser. It is your program that needs to decide how to do that interaction, and what you do with the information from it.

It sounds like you want to build a database of users, so why not use a database? something like SQLite or PostgreSQL might work nicely for you. Among the user details, store the name as it appears in the link ( assuming it will be unique for each user ), and index that name. when scraping your page, pull that link text, then use SQL statements to search if the record exists by that name, if not, then click the link and add a new record.

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