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How to construct a list

How can I construct a list with two dimensions?

I tried this like python

Tuple<string,int> tpl = new Tuple<string,int>("",0);

List<Tuple> lst = new List<Tuple>();

and this

List<string,int> lst = new <string,int> ();

with no luck.

You need to specify the tuple item types :

var lst = new List<Tuple<string, int>>();

Or you could use a class (Which allows you to name the properties):

class Data
    public int Prop1 { get; set; }
    public string OtherProp { get; set; }

var lst = new List<Data>();

Or if you are using C# 7 and have the System.ValueTuple package installed you could use the new tuples syntax:

var lst = new List<(string, int)>();

or with names :

var lst = new List<(string name, int id)>();
// Adding
lst.Add(("test", 1));
lst.Add((name: "test", id: 1));
// Member access 
var name = lst[0].name;
// Destructuring 
var (name, id) = lst[0];

C# 7 syntax is the nicer one of these, but might not be available in all contexts.

You could use List<Tuple<string, int>> ;

var example = new List<Tuple<string, int>>
    Tuple.Create("", 0),
    Tuple.Create("Some other element", 60)

You can use a List<Tuple<string,int>> :

var twoDimensionsList = new List<Tuple<string,int>>
    new Tuple<string,int>("something", 0),
    new Tuple<string,int>("something else", 1),

Try like this;

        var list = new List<TupleType>
                new TupleType
                    Key = 1,
                    Value = "Sample"

TupleType class;

public class TupleType
    public int Key { get; set; }

    public string Value { get; set; }

I don't really like the Tuple<String, Int32> solution proposed by other users:

List<Tuple<String, Int32>> myList = new List<Tuple<String, Int32>>
    Tuple.Create("A", 1),
    Tuple.Create("B", 2)

This is how I would implement your requirement, and this is my preferred approach:

public class MyClass
    public Int32 MyProperty1 { get; set; }
    public String MyProperty2 { get; set; }

List<MyClass> myList = new List<MyClass>();

Tuples are great for internal usage . As long as you can control and maintain the context in which they are being used and you have a full understanding of their structure and parameters, they are more than fine. On a public API , unfortunately, they are less effective because of the lack of naming: they would force the consumer to guess their behavior or look up the documentation.


In C# 7 , you can now use them with named properties, so they became a good option.

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