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Azure Functions: CosmosDBTrigger connection string storage

I asked yesterday where to store the connection string for a CosmosDBTrigger. It worked great until I had to push it up to Azure. Now the function isn't working at all. It works locally just fine though. There is no difference between codebases so the only thing I can think of is the connection string isn't be pulled from local.settings.json when on Azure. I mean, it wouldn't surprise me if that was the case since the file has the word local in it.

I tried putting the contents in the host.json , but that didn't work either.

How do you specify the connection string when your Function is running on Azure?

local.settings.json is not used in Azure. Instead, settings are taken from App Service Settings .

For your yesterday's example, go to Function App's Application settings tab and add a value with key DbConnString there.


If you are using func CLI, you can publish settings from local.settings.json file to Azure Application settings by running

func azure functionapp public <App> --publish-local-settings

You need to put it in the Application Settings for the function app. These can be setup using the Azure Portal or deployed as part of the ARM template I believe.

Azure Application Settings

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