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How to use Vuex types constants with module namespace?

I have this Vuex module:

const state = {
  firstThing: 'abc',
  secondThing: 'def',

const getters = {
  getFirstThing: state => state.firstThing,
  getSecondThing: state => state.secondThing,

const mutations = {
  setFirstThing: (state, payload) => state.firstThing = payload,
  setSecondThing: (state, payload) => state.secondThing = payload

const actions = {};

export default {
  namespaced: true,   // <------

I use namespaced: true flag and can work with this module like this:

this.$store.state.things.firstThing             // <-- return abc here
this.$store.commit('things/setFirstThing', 10)
this.$store.getters['things/getFirstThing']     // <-- return abc here

If I will use constants like in Vuex official example , and refactor my modules/things.js file like this:

export const Types = {
  getters: {
  mutations: {

const getters = {
  [Types.getters.GET_FIRST_THING]: state => state.firstThing,
  [Types.getters.GET_SECOND_THING]: state => state.secondThing,

const mutations = {
  [Types.mutations.SET_FIRST_THING]: (state, payload) => state.firstThing = payload,
  [Types.mutations.SET_SECOND_THING]: (state, payload) => state.secondThing = payload

I will have to use namespace prefix:

this.$store.commit('things/' + Types.mutations.SET_FIRST_THING, 10);
this.$store.getters['things/' +  + Types.getters.GET_FIRST_THING]  

If I will include module namespace prefix to Types constant, I will have to use string prefix things/ for mutations/actions/getters declaration:

const getters = {
  ['things/' + Types.getters.GET_FIRST_THING]: state => state.firstThing,
  ['things/' + Types.getters.GET_SECOND_THING]: state => state.secondThing,

How to avoid that?

You can disable namespacing by namespaced: false and just use constants with prefixes:

export const Types = {
  getters: {
    GET_FIRST_THING: 'THINGS_GET_FIRST_THING',    // your namespace without '/' slash
  // ...

- it will work.

But if you still want to keep namespaced: true in module and use constants also, you can define two types of constants: public and private :

export const Types = {                                               // <-- public
  getters: {
  mutations: {

const _types = removeNamespace('things/', Types);                    // <-- private

Then use private _types only inside Vuex module:

const getters = {
  [_types.getters.GET_FIRST_THING]: state => state.firstThing,       
  [_types.getters.GET_SECOND_THING]: state => state.secondThing,


and public Types outside module:

// some-component.vue
this.$store.commit(Types.mutations.SET_FIRST_THING, 10);
// ...

Also implement simple removeNamespace function in your new namespace-helper.js file:

export default function removeNamespace(namespace, types){
  return _.reduce(types, (typeObj, typeValue, typeName) => {
    typeObj[typeName] = _.reduce(typeValue, (obj, v, k)=>{
      obj[k] = v.replace(namespace, '');
      return obj;
    }, {});
    return typeObj;
  }, {});

The answer from @hedin worked brilliantly for me, thank you!

The only issues I had were:

  1. I'm using Typescript.

  2. It could be a bit overly verbose, hurting readability. However type safety is more important to me, and I'm willing to tolerate some verbosity get type checking.

Inspired by his design, I Typescripted it and reduced the verbosity.

(I am using Vue 3 (with composition API) + Vuex 4 (with namespaced modules).)

Firstly, I created namespace-helper.ts that looks like this:

import _ from "lodash";

type NamespaceHelper = {
  [name: string]: string;

// Enhanced from @hedin, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/47646215/1360592
export default (
  namespace: string,
  types: any,
  section: "getters" | "actions" | "mutations",
): NamespaceHelper => {
  return _.reduce(
    (typeObj: NamespaceHelper, typeValue, typeName) => {
      if (typeName === section) {
        return _.reduce(
          (obj: NamespaceHelper, v, k) => {
            obj[k] = v.replace(namespace, "");
            return obj;
      return typeObj;

Then in my store module, I have:

const namespace = "things";

// For external use
export const Types = {
  getters: {
    GET_FIRST_THING: `${namespace}/GET_FIRST_THING`,
  actions: {
    DO_FIRST_THING: `${namespace}/DO_FIRST_THING`,
    DO_SECOND_THING: `${namespace}/DO_SECOND_THING`,
  mutations: {
    SET_FIRST_THING: `${namespace}/SET_FIRST_THING`,

// For internal use in the same store
const _getters = removeNamespace(`${namespace}/`, Types, "getters");
const _actions = removeNamespace(`${namespace}/`, Types, "actions");
const _mutations = removeNamespace(`${namespace}/`, Types, "mutations");

// getters
const getters: GetterTree<MyStoreState, RootState> = {
  [_getters. GET_FIRST_THING]: (state) => {
    return state.blah;

// actions
const actions: ActionTree<MyStoreState, RootState> = {
  [_actions.DO_FIRST_THING]: ({ commit }) => {
    // do stuff here

// mutations
const mutations = {
  [_mutations.SET_FIRST_THING]: (state: MyStoreState) => {
    state.blah = "foo";

export default {
  namespaced: true,

And here is how I use it from a component:

<script lang="ts">
// imports go here, not shown for brevity

import { Types } from "@/store/modules/things";

export default defineComponent({
  name: "Thing",
  setup(props) {
    const store = useStore<RootState>();

    // I prefer singular for consuming getters and actions externally.
    const { getters: getter, actions: action } = Types;

    const firstThing = computed<ThingType>(() =>


    return {

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