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Copy text of single cell to clipboard

My CurrentCellValue is always null.

I want to mark a row but also if I choose to copy ( Ctrl + C ) a cell I want that value to be copied, now I get the whole row.

    ColumnsSource="{Binding Columns}"
    ItemsSource="{Binding Orders}"
    ColumnGeneratorTemplate="{StaticResource ColumnTemplate}"
    ColumnGeneratorStyle="{StaticResource CommonColumnStyle}"
    SelectedItems="{Binding SelectedOrders}"
private void GridControl_OnCopyingToClipboard(object sender, CopyingToClipboardEventArgs e)
    e.Handled = true;

private string GetRowData()
    return GridControl.CurrentCellValue.ToString();


 <dxg:TableView Name="GridTableView" NavigationStyle="Cell" />

Now I have a value in CurrentCellValue

  1. If there's only one cell that you may wish to copy text from:

You can add "SelectedItem" Binding to your GridControl, and in "GridControl_OnCopyingToClipboard" try to find inside the selectedItem the relevant text that you want to copy.

  1. If there're several cells in a row that you may wish to copy from them, and it really matters which one you clicked on inside same row, then you might want to reconsider this line: SelectionMode="Row"... And change "Row" to "Cell", then again add "SelectedItem" Binding as I mentioned above, and get the text from it

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