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Passthrough input to output in AWS Step Functions

How can I passthrough the input to a Task state in an AWS Step Functions to the output?

After reading the Input and Output Processing page in the AWS docs, I have played with various combinations of InputPath , ResultPath and OutputPath .

State definition:

"First State": {
    "Type": "Task",
    "Resource": "[My Lambda ARN]",
    "Next": "Second State",
    "InputPath": "$.someKey",
    "OutputPath": "$"


    "someKey": "someValue"

Expected Result

I would like the output of the First State (and thus the input of Second State ) to be

    "someKey": "someValue"

Actual Result


What if the input is more complicated, eg

    "firstKey": "firstValue",
    "secondKey": "secondValue"

I would like to forward all of it without worrying about (sub) paths.

In the Amazon States Language spec it is stated that:

If the value of ResultPath is null, that means that the state's own raw output is discarded and its raw input becomes its result.

Consequently, I updated my state definition to

"First State": {
    "Type": "Task",
    "Resource": "[My Lambda ARN]",
    "Next": "Second State",
    "ResultPath": null

As a result, when passing the input example Task input payload will be copied to the output, even for rich objects like:

    "firstKey": "firstValue",
    "secondKey": "secondValue"

For those who find themselves here using CDK, the solution is to use the explicit aws_stepfunctions.JsonPath.DISCARD enum rather than None/null.

from aws_cdk import (



I was looking for a solution from passing input from one parallel state to another parallel state and the above option worked really good. For example my step function is like this...tas1->parallel task2 -> parallel trask3 -> task4. So when it start with parallel task3, the input values are wiped out, so ptask3 is failing. With the above option, i was able to pass in same input from ptask2 to ptas3.

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