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Attaching files stopped working octobercms email ajax form

The below setup has worked until it stopped and right now I'm perplexed why. I've created a contact form with file attachment in OctoberCMS as below

{{ form_ajax('ContactForm::onSend', { files: 'true',  flash: 'true', 'data-request-files':true, 'data-request-validate': true }) }}
    <input type="hidden" name="handler" value='onSave'>
    <fieldset class="form">
        <input type="name" name="name" placeholder="Imię i nazwisko" required>
        <input type="email" name="email" placeholder="E-mail" required>
        <input type="phone" name="phone" placeholder="Telefon">
        <input type="text" name="subject" placeholder="Temat" >
        <textarea name="theMessage" placeholder="Zapytanie" required style="width: 100%; height: 140px;"></textarea>
        <input type="file" name="fileAttachment" id="fileAttachment" class="inputfile"  data-multiple-caption="wybrano {count}" /><label for="fileAttachment">wybierz plik </label><span class='attachmentName'></span>

        <button type="submit" class="send" data-attach-loading>Wyślij</button>

{{ form_close() }}

The component for sending email

<?php namespace Depcore\Parts\Components;
use Cms\Classes\ComponentBase;

use Mail;
use Lang;
use Flash;
use Input;
use Validator;
use ValidationException;
use Redirect;
use System\Models\File;

class ContactForm extends ComponentBase
    public function componentDetails()
        return [
            'name'        => 'depcore.parts::lang.components.contactFormTitle',
            'description' => 'depcore.parts::lang.components.contactFormDescription'

    public function defineProperties()
        return [
              'emailTo' => [
                    'title' => 'depcore.parts::components.emailAddress',
                    'description' => 'depcore.parts::components.destinationEmailDescription',
                    'default' => 'zamowienia@kludi.pl',
                    'validationPattern' => "\A[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\z",
                    'ValidationMessage' => ''

    public function onSend(){

        $data = post();
        $vars = [
            'name' => Input::get('name'),
            'subject' => Input::get('subject'),
            'phone' => Input::get('phone'),
            'theMessage' => Input::get('theMessage'),
            'fileAttachment' => Input::file('fileAttachment'),

        $rules = [
                'name' => 'required',
                'email' => 'required|email'

        $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules);

        if ($validator->fails())
            throw new ValidationException( $validator );
        else {

        Mail::send('depcore.parts::mail.message', $vars, function( $message )  use  ( $vars )  {

            // $message->to($this->property('emailTo'));

            if ($vars['fileAttachment']) {
                $file = (new File())->fromPost($vars['fileAttachment']);

            Flash::success('Wiadomość została wysłana.');



From what I can tell is that the Input::file('fileAttachemnt') is always returning null so I think It could be a problem with the JavaScript framework (?).

This is a weird thing that got me by surprise when working with the project an now Im stuck.

From your code it looks like by mistake you used wrong method

 $vars = [
        'name' => Input::get('name'),
        'subject' => Input::get('subject'),
        'phone' => Input::get('phone'),
        'theMessage' => Input::get('theMessage'),
        'fileAttachment' => Input::get('fileAttachment'), <-- here

your code is using this

Input:: get ('fileAttachemnt');

In Reality it should be this

Input:: file ('fileAttachemnt');

may be you updated your code and didn't notice that ;)


ok I guess there is some issue with File facade code (new File()) let not use that instead we can directly use file as also you are not saving that file so,

can you replace your code and check it once

$file = (new File())->fromPost($vars['fileAttachment']);


$file = $vars['fileAttachment'];
$pathToFile = $file->getPathname();
$fileName = $file->getClientOriginalName();
$mime = $file->getMimeType()
$message->attach($pathToFile, ['as' => $fileName, 'mime' => $mime]);

then check it, it should work.


I added modified version of ajax framework (added js snippet), code is taken from October cms official git repo, and just removed some part of it so it can override existing code without conflicts.

I would suggest, take this code and create ajax-fw-override.js file then include file on your page or just duplicate layout and add it at very bottom, any how it should come after October default ajax {% framework %} , so it can override its Request .

This is not good solution but considering that you can't update your cms version we can use this. (also by making duplicate layout we make sure it won't affect anywhere else).

I tested it on your site using console and it worked. so just check it out and let me know.

 + function($) { "use strict"; var Request = function(element, handler, options) { var $el = this.$el = $(element); this.options = options || {}; /* * Validate handler name */ if (handler === undefined) { throw new Error('The request handler name is not specified.') } if (!handler.match(/^(?:\\w+\\:{2})?on*/)) { throw new Error('Invalid handler name. The correct handler name format is: "onEvent".') } /* * Prepare the options and execute the request */ var $form = options.form ? $(options.form) : $el.closest('form'), $triggerEl = !!$form.length ? $form : $el, context = { handler: handler, options: options } $el.trigger('ajaxSetup', [context]) var _event = jQuery.Event('oc.beforeRequest') $triggerEl.trigger(_event, context) if (_event.isDefaultPrevented()) return var loading = options.loading !== undefined ? options.loading : null, isRedirect = options.redirect !== undefined && options.redirect.length, useFlash = options.flash !== undefined, useFiles = options.files !== undefined if (useFiles && typeof FormData === 'undefined') { console.warn('This browser does not support file uploads via FormData') useFiles = false } if ($.type(loading) == 'string') { loading = $(loading) } /* * Request headers */ var requestHeaders = { 'X-OCTOBER-REQUEST-HANDLER': handler, 'X-OCTOBER-REQUEST-PARTIALS': this.extractPartials(options.update) } if (useFlash) { requestHeaders['X-OCTOBER-REQUEST-FLASH'] = 1 } /* * Request data */ var requestData, inputName, data = {} $.each($el.parents('[data-request-data]').toArray().reverse(), function extendRequest() { $.extend(data, paramToObj('data-request-data', $(this).data('request-data'))) }) if ($el.is(':input') && !$form.length) { inputName = $el.attr('name') if (inputName !== undefined && options.data[inputName] === undefined) { options.data[inputName] = $el.val() } } if (options.data !== undefined && !$.isEmptyObject(options.data)) { $.extend(data, options.data) } if (useFiles) { requestData = new FormData($form.length ? $form.get(0) : null) if ($el.is(':file') && inputName) { $.each($el.prop('files'), function() { requestData.append(inputName, this) }) delete data[inputName] } $.each(data, function(key) { requestData.append(key, this) }) } else { requestData = [$form.serialize(), $.param(data)].filter(Boolean).join('&') } /* * Request options */ var requestOptions = { url: window.location.href, crossDomain: false, context: context, headers: requestHeaders, success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { /* * Halt here if beforeUpdate() or data-request-before-update returns false */ if (this.options.beforeUpdate.apply(this, [data, textStatus, jqXHR]) === false) return if (options.evalBeforeUpdate && eval('(function($el, context, data, textStatus, jqXHR) {' + options.evalBeforeUpdate + '}.call($el.get(0), $el, context, data, textStatus, jqXHR))') === false) return /* * Trigger 'ajaxBeforeUpdate' on the form, halt if event.preventDefault() is called */ var _event = jQuery.Event('ajaxBeforeUpdate') $triggerEl.trigger(_event, [context, data, textStatus, jqXHR]) if (_event.isDefaultPrevented()) return if (useFlash && data['X_OCTOBER_FLASH_MESSAGES']) { $.each(data['X_OCTOBER_FLASH_MESSAGES'], function(type, message) { requestOptions.handleFlashMessage(message, type) }) } /* * Proceed with the update process */ var updatePromise = requestOptions.handleUpdateResponse(data, textStatus, jqXHR) updatePromise.done(function() { $triggerEl.trigger('ajaxSuccess', [context, data, textStatus, jqXHR]) options.evalSuccess && eval('(function($el, context, data, textStatus, jqXHR) {' + options.evalSuccess + '}.call($el.get(0), $el, context, data, textStatus, jqXHR))') }) return updatePromise }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var errorMsg, updatePromise = $.Deferred() if ((window.ocUnloading !== undefined && window.ocUnloading) || errorThrown == 'abort') return /* * Disable redirects */ isRedirect = false options.redirect = null /* * Error 406 is a "smart error" that returns response object that is * processed in the same fashion as a successful response. */ if (jqXHR.status == 406 && jqXHR.responseJSON) { errorMsg = jqXHR.responseJSON['X_OCTOBER_ERROR_MESSAGE'] updatePromise = requestOptions.handleUpdateResponse(jqXHR.responseJSON, textStatus, jqXHR) } /* * Standard error with standard response text */ else { errorMsg = jqXHR.responseText ? jqXHR.responseText : jqXHR.statusText updatePromise.resolve() } updatePromise.done(function() { $el.data('error-message', errorMsg) /* * Trigger 'ajaxError' on the form, halt if event.preventDefault() is called */ var _event = jQuery.Event('ajaxError') $triggerEl.trigger(_event, [context, errorMsg, textStatus, jqXHR]) if (_event.isDefaultPrevented()) return /* * Halt here if the data-request-error attribute returns false */ if (options.evalError && eval('(function($el, context, errorMsg, textStatus, jqXHR) {' + options.evalError + '}.call($el.get(0), $el, context, errorMsg, textStatus, jqXHR))') === false) return requestOptions.handleErrorMessage(errorMsg) }) return updatePromise }, complete: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { $triggerEl.trigger('ajaxComplete', [context, data, textStatus, jqXHR]) options.evalComplete && eval('(function($el, context, data, textStatus, jqXHR) {' + options.evalComplete + '}.call($el.get(0), $el, context, data, textStatus, jqXHR))') }, /* * Custom function, requests confirmation from the user */ handleConfirmMessage: function(message) { var _event = jQuery.Event('ajaxConfirmMessage') _event.promise = $.Deferred() if ($(window).triggerHandler(_event, [message]) !== undefined) { _event.promise.done(function() { options.confirm = null new Request(element, handler, options) }) return false } if (_event.isDefaultPrevented()) return if (message) return confirm(message) }, /* * Custom function, display an error message to the user */ handleErrorMessage: function(message) { var _event = jQuery.Event('ajaxErrorMessage') $(window).trigger(_event, [message]) if (_event.isDefaultPrevented()) return if (message) alert(message) }, /* * Custom function, focus fields with errors */ handleValidationMessage: function(message, fields) { $triggerEl.trigger('ajaxValidation', [context, message, fields]) var isFirstInvalidField = true $.each(fields, function focusErrorField(fieldName, fieldMessages) { fieldName = fieldName.replace(/\\.(\\w+)/g, '[$1]') var fieldElement = $form.find('[name="' + fieldName + '"], [name="' + fieldName + '[]"], [name$="[' + fieldName + ']"], [name$="[' + fieldName + '][]"]').filter(':enabled').first() if (fieldElement.length > 0) { var _event = jQuery.Event('ajaxInvalidField') $(window).trigger(_event, [fieldElement.get(0), fieldName, fieldMessages, isFirstInvalidField]) if (isFirstInvalidField) { if (!_event.isDefaultPrevented()) fieldElement.focus() isFirstInvalidField = false } } }) }, /* * Custom function, display a flash message to the user */ handleFlashMessage: function(message, type) {}, /* * Custom function, redirect the browser to another location */ handleRedirectResponse: function(url) { window.location.href = url }, /* * Custom function, handle any application specific response values * Using a promisary object here in case injected assets need time to load */ handleUpdateResponse: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { /* * Update partials and finish request */ var updatePromise = $.Deferred().done(function() { for (var partial in data) { /* * If a partial has been supplied on the client side that matches the server supplied key, look up * it's selector and use that. If not, we assume it is an explicit selector reference. */ var selector = (options.update[partial]) ? options.update[partial] : partial if ($.type(selector) == 'string' && selector.charAt(0) == '@') { $(selector.substring(1)).append(data[partial]).trigger('ajaxUpdate', [context, data, textStatus, jqXHR]) } else if ($.type(selector) == 'string' && selector.charAt(0) == '^') { $(selector.substring(1)).prepend(data[partial]).trigger('ajaxUpdate', [context, data, textStatus, jqXHR]) } else { $(selector).trigger('ajaxBeforeReplace') $(selector).html(data[partial]).trigger('ajaxUpdate', [context, data, textStatus, jqXHR]) } } /* * Wait for .html() method to finish rendering from partial updates */ setTimeout(function() { $(window) .trigger('ajaxUpdateComplete', [context, data, textStatus, jqXHR]) .trigger('resize') }, 0) }) /* * Handle redirect */ if (data['X_OCTOBER_REDIRECT']) { options.redirect = data['X_OCTOBER_REDIRECT'] isRedirect = true } if (isRedirect) { requestOptions.handleRedirectResponse(options.redirect) } /* * Handle validation */ if (data['X_OCTOBER_ERROR_FIELDS']) { requestOptions.handleValidationMessage(data['X_OCTOBER_ERROR_MESSAGE'], data['X_OCTOBER_ERROR_FIELDS']) } /* * Handle asset injection */ if (data['X_OCTOBER_ASSETS']) { assetManager.load(data['X_OCTOBER_ASSETS'], $.proxy(updatePromise.resolve, updatePromise)) } else { updatePromise.resolve() } return updatePromise } } if (useFiles) { requestOptions.processData = requestOptions.contentType = false } /* * Allow default business logic to be called from user functions */ context.success = requestOptions.success context.error = requestOptions.error context.complete = requestOptions.complete requestOptions = $.extend(requestOptions, options) requestOptions.data = requestData /* * Initiate request */ if (options.confirm && !requestOptions.handleConfirmMessage(options.confirm)) { return } if (loading) loading.show() $(window).trigger('ajaxBeforeSend', [context]) $el.trigger('ajaxPromise', [context]) return $.ajax(requestOptions) .fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (!isRedirect) { $el.trigger('ajaxFail', [context, textStatus, jqXHR]) } if (loading) loading.hide() }) .done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if (!isRedirect) { $el.trigger('ajaxDone', [context, data, textStatus, jqXHR]) } if (loading) loading.hide() }) .always(function(dataOrXhr, textStatus, xhrOrError) { $el.trigger('ajaxAlways', [context, dataOrXhr, textStatus, xhrOrError]) }) } Request.DEFAULTS = { update: {}, type: 'POST', beforeUpdate: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {}, evalBeforeUpdate: null, evalSuccess: null, evalError: null, evalComplete: null } /* * Internal function, build a string of partials and their update elements. */ Request.prototype.extractPartials = function(update) { var result = [] for (var partial in update) result.push(partial) return result.join('&') } // REQUEST PLUGIN DEFINITION // ============================ var old = $.fn.request $.fn.request = function(handler, option) { var args = arguments var $this = $(this).first() var data = { evalBeforeUpdate: $this.data('request-before-update'), evalSuccess: $this.data('request-success'), evalError: $this.data('request-error'), evalComplete: $this.data('request-complete'), confirm: $this.data('request-confirm'), redirect: $this.data('request-redirect'), loading: $this.data('request-loading'), flash: $this.data('request-flash'), files: $this.data('request-files'), form: $this.data('request-form'), update: paramToObj('data-request-update', $this.data('request-update')), data: paramToObj('data-request-data', $this.data('request-data')) } if (!handler) handler = $this.data('request') var options = $.extend(true, {}, Request.DEFAULTS, data, typeof option == 'object' && option) return new Request($this, handler, options) } $.fn.request.Constructor = Request $.request = function(handler, option) { return $(document).request(handler, option) } // REQUEST NO CONFLICT // ================= $.fn.request.noConflict = function() { $.fn.request = old return this } // REQUEST DATA-API // ============== function paramToObj(name, value) { if (value === undefined) value = '' if (typeof value == 'object') return value try { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(eval("({" + value + "})"))) } catch (e) { throw new Error('Error parsing the ' + name + ' attribute value. ' + e) } } }(window.jQuery); 

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