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Return Object Array from Invoke-Command

Powershell script is only returning one value from Invoke-Command not all the objects I would expect.

I am adding a property to an existing object on a remote server then returning it back.

$inventory contains application objects that look like this:

Name         : Centinel-Dev-AmazonServer
Platform     : Centinel
Type         : Windows Service
Tier         : APP
Status       : Running

Name         : Portal-QA-Walmart
Platform     : Portal
Type         : Windows Service
Tier         : APP
Status       : Running

There are many more application objects similiar to the two given when I run my script it only returns the first object not all.

function verify_workingDir {
    $inventory = GetInventory -Server $server
    $return_object = @()
    $return_object += Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock {
        $inventory = $args[0]

        $return_object = @()
        foreach ($Application in $inventory) {

            $applicationParamters = Get-ItemProperty -Path x:\x\x\x\$($Application.Name)\Parameters

            $verify_object = [pscustomobject] @{
                WorkingDirectory = $applicationParamters.ServiceWorkingDir

            $ExpandVerifyObject = $verify_object | Select-Object -Property @{
                Name       = "MyProperties"
                Expression = {$_.WorkingDirectory }
            } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty MyProperties

            Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name WorkingDirectory -InputObject $Application -TypeName PSObject -Value $ExpandVerifyObject
            $return_object += $Application    

        return $return_object

    } -ArgumentList ($inventory) #| Select Name, Platform, Type, Tier, Status, ServerName, WorkingDirectory

    return $return_object

  $inventory = $args[0] ---> $inventory = $args

Try $inventory = $args instead of $inventory = $args[0] .

Passing arrays to script blocks is not the easiest thing because $args flattens everything to a single array. If you pass -ArgumentList @(1,2,3), 4 , then $Args will be a single array @(1,2,3,4) and $Args[0] will be 1 .

If you ever need to pass complex arguments with -ArgumentList , pass them all as a single HashTable: -ArgumentList @{FirstArg = @(1,2,3); SecondArg = 4} -ArgumentList @{FirstArg = @(1,2,3); SecondArg = 4} .

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