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Python: How to upload a file to SFTP via zip stream

I saw an example how to upload a file to SFTP

import pysftp

srv = pysftp.Connection(host="www.destination.com", username="root",

with srv.cd('public'): #chdir to public
    srv.put('C:\Users\XXX\Dropbox\test.txt') #upload file to nodejs/

# Closes the connection

But how can I upload and zip it at the same time? To be clear I don't want to zip it and then upload it, I want to make it at the same time using zipped stream.

To stream a file via pysftp do the following:

import pysftp
import io

with io.StringIO("hello world!\r\n") as stream:
    with pysftp.Connection("sftp.mywebsite.com", username="myuser", password="mypassword") as sftp:
        with sftp.cd("myhome/uploads"):
            sftp.putfo(stream, "hello.txt", confirm=False)

Setting confirm to False will tell pysftp NOT to verify the length of the file. If you need to verify the length of the file with file_size in pysftp then you will need to say len(secondstream.read()) and duplicate the stream since reading consumes the stream from memory meaning no data will be written.

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