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VS 2013 the break point will not currently be hit. no symbols have been loaded for this document

I have one exe and one dll(.net frame work 4.6.1). I am mapping the dll to exe and i am able to build both the applications individually and mapping to gether in a single solution as well. i have placed some break points in both exe and dll. when i try to start debugging in exe i am able to hit breakpoints and in dll i am not able to hit my break points.

I am not getting any error but when i move my cursor to breakpoint it is showing as

"the break point will not currently be hit. no symbols have been loaded for this document" Previously i am able to work with this code and able to debug from exe to dll

Can you please help me on this issue.

I tried in different ways from internet. but my issue din't got resolved.

If you are remote debugging like I was this worked for me:

  1. Cleaning solution/project whichever applies,
  2. Building solution/project,
  3. Copying PDB files from .\\bin\\debug location to the target folder on the host where your program is supposed to execute from.

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