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Unity: Scale a GameObject in world space

I am trying to achieve this:


This is a non-axis-aligned cube being scaled in world space in blender alongside the Z axis (Y in Unity). I want to achieve the same in Unity. I tried to find formulas for this but had no luck, I know that I can parent my object to another GameObject and scale the parent, but once I unparent my original GameObject the scale resets back and I need to scale the original GameObject. Any advise would be much appreciated.

You can either unparent it, scale it and then reparent it back, or you can create game object that will hold both these objects separately so they all have their own scale.

void Rescale(Transform obj, Vector3 newScale)
    if(obj.root != obj)
        Transform parent = obj.parent;
        obj.localScale = newScale;
        obj.SetParent(parent, true);

You can transform a scale (Vector3) from world space to local space by using this function:


To apply to your cube the correct scale you might do something like this:

cube.transform.localScale = cube.transform.parent.InverseTransformVector(worldScale);

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